Unit 6 - Produce Feature Film
Task 1 In the making of our own feature film we are making and where first asked to create a media CV for a role we would like to be and why for the upcoming project, although I did not get any major roles like a Director but I did create one anyways, it may be incomplete but its a work in progress for moment Code and Conventions of a TV drama is a structure of a story is built upon for example The antagonist is there within the story who opposes the protagonist against a certain goal in the story for example Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader. and they are drama sub genres that is split over multiple genres like Fantasy Dramas like Game of Thornes and Soaps like Coronation street. Another TV drama convention you would see is through narrative for what strives the characters to move forward. How code and conventions can be used for my role within the group is that is having extras within the shop is good for the overall narrative and plot of the story Task 2...